RE/MAX salespeople in Manitoba have raised $150,000 in support of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba in 2007 alone, bringing their total donations since 1992 to more than $1 million. The monies raised go directly to the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba toward pediatric research and much needed equipment for the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital.
These funds are raised through the “Miracle Home” donations, an annual golf tournament, and many individual fundraising events, including their “Naked Heads” fundraisers.
The first “Naked Heads” fundraising event took place in December 2003 with nine RE/MAX agents shaving their heads and collecting over $33,000 in donations, which went toward the purchase of three infant respirators for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital.
In November 2005, the second “Naked Heads” event raised over $30,000, which helped toward the purchase of two incubators for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Winnipeg Children’s Hospital.
RE/MAX Winnipeg also sponsors the Bearobics tent at the annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic, a great place for kids to let loose and go crazy, one of the main attractions.