REALTORS® Fill Food Bank Shelves

Most of us don’t give much thought to where our next meal will be coming from. But the story is much different for households with lower incomes – many of which are comprised of a high number of children and seniors. For these households, the Salvation Army food bank provides an important source of nourishment.

A group of over 200 REALTORS® and friends in the Greater Vernon area understand the important community role the food bank plays in feeding hungry families. In December, they knocked on the doors of their communities to collect over 11 tons of non-perishable groceries during their annual food drive.

“These donations helped fill the Christmas hampers for needy families and will stock the shelves of the Salvation Army Food Bank well into the spring,” said Rob Shaw, a REALTOR® who helped organize the event. “Everyone enjoyed getting involved in this 28th annual event and look forward to giving back a little something to the community in the years to come.”

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