Shelley Peebles waited her whole adult life to host a family Christmas dinner at home and 2015 was the year her dream came true.
Shelley is the latest homeowner who purchased a home of her own with down payment assistance from Manitoba Real Estate Association and the Manitoba government.
Manitoba Tipi Mitawa is a groundbreaking First Nations homeownership program which assists off reserve indigenous families and individuals who meet stringent credit, job history and other requirements in order to buy a home.
“It turned out great, lots of food and I managed to fit everyone, 20 in all, although it was little tight!” she laughed.
In her dining room, Shelley put three long tables together. A friend loaned her an extra folding table and chairs and the family celebrated with turkey and all the trimmings.
For Manitoba Tipi Mitawa chair Harry DeLeeuw, this was the best Christmas story of all.
MREA will continuously advocate for continuance and expansion of the program.