You’d be hard-pressed to find someone at RE/MAX Professionals Saint John who doesn’t have a connection with the IWK Health Centre.
REALTOR® Gordon Breau does. His son’s best friend spent a year receiving fantastic care at IWK before he passed away far too soon at the age of 15.
“It really opens your eyes. Everyone has been touched by this place one way or another,” he said from his Saint John, N.B., office. “We’ve had agents in our office who have had grandkids there and sometimes it’s a client who has been impacted.”
That’s why Breau takes great pride in the fact his office is doing what it can to help the Halifax-based children’s hospital which supports the Maritimes. Through commission deductions and an annual auction, Breau’s office raised $41,482 for IWK Health Centre, making them the top contributing office for RE/MAX in Atlantic Canada. A total of $101,981 was raised through all Maritimes offices.
“We were raising a fair amount of money through the Miracle Home program (RE/MAX associates make a donation to local Children’s Miracle Network hospitals with each transaction), but the auction brings in an extra $20,000,” Breau said.
Auction items include Toronto Maple Leafs packages, barbecues, TVs, paintings, signed sports memorabilia and a “mystery chest” full of who-knows-what. The auction has become a once-a-year event with REALTORS® at RE/MAX Professionals Saint John, and other community-minded businesses supporting it through donations.
“Everyone has bought into it,” Breau said, adding the September auction now attracts several hundred people each year.