What do 2.7 million ping pong balls, 290,300 silver spoons, 800 pugs and 16 male polar bears have in common?
They all weigh the same amount in comparison to how much food REALTORS® with the Woodstock-Ingersoll & District Real Estate Board donated to area food banks — a total of 16,000 pounds!
Wednesday, May 4 marked the sixth annual REALTORS Care® food drive held in the community and 13,000 pounds of food was collected for the Salvation Army food bank in Woodstock, Ont., while another 3,000 pounds went to the Salvation Army food bank in Ingersoll, Ont.
REALTORS® drove around to homes and collected the food.
Over six years, more than 90,000 pounds of food have been provided to families in need.
“We would like to thank our volunteers for all their effort in making this event such a success year after year,” the board posted to their Facebook page.
“Without the efforts of our members and community volunteers we would not be able to provide such a valuable service to our community.”