When members of the REALTOR® community volunteer their time or raise funds for a cause close to their hearts, their hard work proudly falls under the umbrella of “REALTORS Care®” – a guiding principle and a trademark that celebrates and unites the great charitable work being done by REALTORS®, brokerages, and real estate boards and associations across Canada.
The term “REALTORS Care®” originated in Vancouver in the 1990s when the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) hosted its inaugural REALTORS Care® Blanket Drive. Over the years, its popularity has grown and is now used by REALTORS® in communities across Canada as well as by some in the United States.
Since 2007, the Canadian Real Estate Association has been growing our national REALTORS Care® program to include a celebration of REALTORS®’ charitable achievements, advocacy in support of housing and shelter-related causes, fundraising in support of disaster victims in Canada and abroad, and inspiration and learning to advance the collective impact of the REALTOR® community:

Our Canadian REALTORS Care® Award celebrates REALTORS® across Canada making an outstanding impact in their communities.
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REALTORS Care® Days are uniting the volunteer efforts of REALTORS® in support of housing and shelter-related causes in communities across Canada.
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Our REALTORS Care® stories shine a spotlight on inspirational REALTORS® making a positive change in their communities.
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When disaster strikes, the REALTOR® community comes together to raise funds for victims through our national disaster response campaigns.
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