The Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS® (ASR) was pleased to provide a cheque to the Saskatoon Community Foundation (SCF) for $34,000. Saskatoon REALTOR® and ASR Quality of Life fundraising event chair Joanne Kerr was on hand to present the cheque to SCF Executive Director, Carm Michalenko.
The Quality of Life Legacy Fund was established in 2013 to support charitable organizations throughout Saskatchewan that work to improve the quality of life in their communities. Each year, the ASR provides $5,000 grants to six different organizations, each from a unique district throughout the province, who support the core values of this initiative. Eligible recipients carry out one or more of the following:
- Support shelter-related services in their communities
- Enhance environmental sustainability, protection and conservation of natural areas
- Promote safer neighbourhoods and improved community services
- Enhance and promote community development
- Provide better opportunities for at risk populations
SaskREALTORS® raised over $33k at the REALTOR® Round Up for the Quality of Life Legacy Fund. @REALTORSCare #SaskatoonCommunityFoundation pic.twitter.com/j84o6aZwvx
— SaskREALTORS® (@SaskREALTORS) September 29, 2016
Each year, the ASR hosts a fundraising event that provides for the following years’ grants, while adding to the existing fund. This year’s Quality of Life Legacy Event, the REALTOR® Round Up, was held in Saskatoon. REALTORS® and industry partners from throughout Saskatchewan came together to raise money for this initiative.
“This year saw more REALTORS® in attendance than we’ve ever had before, and was one of our best fundraising efforts to date,” Kerr said. “It’s a great opportunity to get people from across the province together to support some very deserving organizations. It doesn’t hurt that the event itself is a lot of fun!”
The grant recipients this year included the following:
- Forever Friends of Hope Foundation in Qu’Appelle
- Joe’s Place Youth Centre in Moose Jaw
- The Lighthouse Serving the Battlefords
- YWCA Prince Albert
- Prairie Hospice Society Inc. in Saskatoon
- St. John Ambulance – Saskatchewan in Regina.
Applications for 2017 recipients will be available in January 2017. Any charitable organization in Saskatchewan supporting the Quality of Life in Saskatchewan’s principles is encouraged to visit saskatchewanrealestate.com for more information and to apply.